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Artificial Intelligence and SEO: here is our roadmap for 2018 ?

Artificial Intelligence and SEO: here is our roadmap for 2018 ?

No matter how we’re going to access content this year: one and only one thing is clear to me: Artificial intelligence in SEO will continue to help searchers get to the most relevant results.

Here is how we plan to intelligently optimize the content on your website with the help of linked data and AI.

We had a tremendous 2017. Really. We incorporated as startup in Jan, got funded by WooRank in March and have now over 200 happy clients around the world that created and published 438.674 entities in the Linked Open Data cloud using our celestial plugin ?

Linked Data is going to be huge this year. It’s not blockchain and will not fill up your social streams, don’t worry. Yet, the silent revolution of connected data is already changing entire industry sectors including SEO and digital marketing. AI applications and machine learning algorithms are hungry for semantic rich structured data and knowledge graphs.

We are happy to be part of  the first wave of SEO tools to adopt Linked Data, RDF, Uniform Resource Identifiers, Semantic Recommendations and SPARQL technologies and here is our plan for the upcoming future:

  1. An agentive approach doing what an SEO expert would do by reporting advancements in the SERP thanks to WooRank (in terms of rankings and backlinks) and by helping editors build their vocabulary with the least amount of effort
  2. An easy-to-install Javascript library code-named WordLift Cloud to bring the power of semantic tagging to those of you who do not have WordPress
  3. A chatbot companion to make your website talk using the structured data and your knowledge graph

Find out more about our roadmap directly on GitHub and feel invited to contribute: magic only happens when everyone is involved.

Have a great 2018 ⭐️  and a happy new (Semantic) Web!