Structure Your Content with

Build your custom knowledge graph and power up your SEO with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

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Your Content Model in Action with WordLift

Structuring you content model is key to achieve better content findability and enable you to reuse the information across different channels. We can help you improve your SEO by building a knowledge graph around your content model  just like we did for Jason Barnard(the Brand SERP guy).

Contact us today and start structuring your content using WordLift’s latest feature called Mappings.

Our success stories

How SalzburgerLand gained +92.65% organic users compared with its industry

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How WordLift helped grow their organic visibility by 61%

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Why Freeyork articles are performing 2.4 times better in terms of traffic

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“There are so many SEO tools around. But we didn’t need a new tool, we needed a complete new strategy for growing our business in a sustainable way”

Radu Tyrsina
(Founder, Windows Report)

Are you ready to build your own knowledge graph?