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Doreid Haddad

Quick Facts

  • Name: Doreid Haddad
  • Position at WordLift: Senior SEO Specialist
  • Spoken Languages: Arabic (Native Speaker), Italian and English.
  • Bio: An experienced Senior SEO Expert with a specialization in semantic SEO, structured data, and the development of knowledge graphs for SEO purposes. My expertise lies in providing innovative and scalable SEO solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of companies.

Who is Doreid Haddad?

Doreid Haddad, the Senior SEO Specialist at WordLift, is an expert in semantic SEO and knowledge graph development. With a deep understanding of the intricate workings of search engines, Doreid has honed his skills in applying out-of-the-box SEO techniques and developing semantic SEO strategies.
His role at WordLift extends beyond the typical SEO tasks. Doreid specializes in scaling and automating SEO processes, both onsite and offsite, to maximize organic search growth. His expertise in knowledge management allows him to conduct comprehensive website audits to identify strategic opportunities for organic search growth.
Doreid’s work is not limited to the technical aspects of SEO. He understands the importance of the Google Knowledge Graph in improving search engine visibility. By leveraging this tool, he ensures that WordLift’s clients are at the forefront of organic search results.
Collaboration is a key part of Doreid’s role. He works closely with different teams to come up with innovative ideas and ways to grow organic traffic. He stays updated on the latest SEO news and trends, ensuring that WordLift’s strategies are always ahead of the curve.
In addition to his responsibilities, Doreid also takes on the role of a mentor. He trains Junior SEO Strategists, imparting his knowledge and expertise in semantic SEO and the Google Knowledge Graph. His guidance ensures that the next generation of SEO specialists are well-equipped to navigate the ever-changing landscape of search engine optimization.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Develop semantic SEO strategies and apply out-of-the-box SEO techniques.
  • Scale and automate the various SEO processes.
  • Plan onsite and offsite SEO strategy.
  • Prioritize, and manage multiple projects and clients simultaneously.
  • Communicate with clients on a monthly or semi-monthly basis on their accounts and new SEO developments.
  • Conduct website audits to identify areas of strategic opportunity for organic search growth.
  • Build a roadmap of experiments and initiatives to drive organic traffic, engagement, leads, and pipeline.
  • Determine metrics/KPIs and put measurements in place.
  • Collaborate with different teams and come up with ideas/ways to grow traffic.
  • Mentor and train Junior SEO Strategists.
  • Stay on top of SEO news and trends.

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