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By Valentina Izzo

3 months ago

WordLift is very happy to introduce you a new member of the team: let’s meet Ángela Ballesteros García, our Business Developer.

WordLift is happy to announce a member of the team – Ángela Ballesteros García 💙

Quick Facts

Name: Ángela Ballesteros García

Age: 25

Position in WordLift: Business Developer & Account Manager.

Languages spoken: Spanish, German, English, italian

Let’s Get to Know Ángela

Tell us more about yourself…

My name is Ángela Ballesteros García, and I’m a 25-year-old. I was born in Los Molinos, a small mountainous village in the northern Sierra of Madrid – in Spain. I’ve always been fascinated by languages, different cultures, and worldviews.

When I turned twenty, I moved to Regensburg, Germany, for my studies. I engaged in a comprehensive German-Spanish studies program, which immersed me in various disciplines, including politics, culture, linguistics, literature, and languages. Enhancing this foundation, I pursued an additional certification in German for International Rhetorical Competence, refining skills vital for persuasion, critical thinking, reading, communication, public speaking, and ethical reasoning.

Furthermore, I dedicated myself to German, Italian, and English language courses. Concurrently, I actively worked ‘in diverse customer-facing roles” to further enhance my proficiency in German.

There, I had the chance to meet people from various countries and cultural backgrounds, but more importantly, I got to know myself better. Accustomed to being surrounded by friends and family, I faced life’s challenges alone. 

At the beginning of the pandemic, I was in Houston, Texas. Then, the spread of COVID-19 started, and I could not return to Germany. After almost three months, I was finally able to return home. I spent a lot of time reading, walking, and studying. Most of my friends were abroad, so I was alone, which motivated me to nurture my knowledge in diverse human disciplines like anthropology and psychology.

During this period of self-discovery, I realized two things: first, after finishing my university degree, I wanted to live in a country where people were more similar to me. I was living in Germany, then I moved to Italy because I desired a country where people are known for being more talkative, humorous, and easy-going. I sought a place where human connections are valued over mechanical interactions and where there’s a genuine appreciation for the art of cooking and dining, as well as for fashion and beauty.

Secondly, I wanted to learn something completely new, different from my previous studies. That’s why I decided to move to Rome and pursue a master’s degree in marketing and sales.

During my master’s, I had the opportunity to intern at WordLift. WordLift offered me the chance to start from scratch with no previous knowledge of technical SEO or knowledge graphs. This shows that you can always start something new, and as we say in Spain, it’s never too late if the opportunity is good.

Three things you love the most about being a Wordlifter🏋️‍♀️

What I love most about working at WordLift is that I can be surrounded by very ambitious and knowledge-hungry people, which helps me broaden my horizons, learn new things, and constantly strive to better myself. 

I also appreciate that the technology and the field where WordLift operates are very innovative, which means I always stay energized because there’s always something new to discover!

Lastly, what I love most about WordLift is our clients. It’s an immense pleasure for me to serve people who are engaged in what they do and, like the WordLift team, always want to improve and be their best version.

Can you share the exciting, innovative work that you’re doing at WordLift?

Currently, I hold all clients who have acquired a WordLift license, whether it’s StarterProfessional, or Business. Additionally, I serve as the crucial link between leads and potential clients and our final product.

This means I work closely with those intrigued by WordLift, demonstrating our platform’s immense value. I do this through the WordLift Demo. Once a lead transitions into a client, I become their dedicated account manager, optimizing their website’s interaction with our product to achieve the most excellent synergy possible.

So, if you’re not yet a client, what are you waiting for? As a Business Developer and Account Manager, I’m here to ensure you unlock the full potential of WordLift. Reach out, and let’s embark on this journey together. Let’s meet 🤝

Get in touch with Angela

Link to my Linkedin

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