Maria Silvia Sanna and Georgie Kemp are taking a deeper look into Is Voice Here to Stay? It is now 2020, sharing their opinions and answering interesting questions.

Why does it matter?

We’ve been following voice search as a topic for some years now. Two years ago, we published a guide to voice search optimization, and there we quoted ComScore, which predicted that voice search was going to cover at least 50% of all searches by 2020. Well, it’s 2020 now and we can say out loud that voice search is here to stay… but it’s quite far to take over. On the other hand, we should probably forget that stat, because it’s been misused in the first place.

Anyway, voice search is no longer a new trendvoice-enabled device interaction is now part of consumers day-to-day information diet.

Voice Search usage statistics
Voice Search Stats by PwC

As voice search is more competitive than regular search, you need to sharpen your SEO tactics and aim to be the top result.

What are you going to learn?

In this 30 minutes webinar, Maria Silvia Sanna and Georgie Kemp shared their tips about voice search optimization — and then they answered a few questions from the public about using voice search and measuring the results of a voice search strategy.

Who is Maria Silvia Sanna?

Digital marketer focused on content marketing, Silvia lives and works in Rome since 2003. After a ten-year experience covering different roles in digital communication, in 2017 she joined WordLift, where she manages content marketing with a strategic approach and a lot of emojis. 

Who is Georgie Kemp?

SEO Executive at Impression, George Kamp has a strong interest for all things technical SEO related with a fascination of the capabilities of conversational artificial intelligence.

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