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Create a Vocabulary Through Categories and Tags

You can augment your website through categories and tags. WordLift can now integrate with existing taxonomies and inject them with all the structured data you need to shine at SEO. Interally we call this “match terms.” Let’s see how it works with this video:

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Starting with WordLift 3.32, you don’t need to use the content classification pane of WordLift to add a markup, but you can use a tag or a category directly. It means that all your content with that specific tag is already connected to a tag with smart features, and it’s better recognizable for Google and Bing and other search engines

In this way, a tag or a category is treated in the same way as an entity recognized in the content classification box. It makes everything easier because if you are already using tags and categories, you don’t need to do anything else that curate them.

Save the tag with all its properties, and then go to the post. You don’t need to use the Content Classification box but add the tag and update. You can do the same with categories.

Tags and categories are treated in the same way as an entity recognized in the Content Classification box and used to build your , making your content intelligent and understandable to search engines. Your website will be automatically optimized for semantic SEO.