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By Googolo

4 years ago

A selection Google’s rich snippets and SERP features and how you can acquire these snippets to feature your own website using schema markup.

Sitelinks and Jump-to

Google Search can expose a Search box scoped to your website when it appears in the search results. This search box is powered by Google Search. However, if you wish to power this search box with your own search engine. If you want search results also include an associated mobile app, you can do so using structured data embedded on your website.

Structured Data with Sitelinks and Jump-to

Use the WebSite schema markup to provide structured data for the search box. This can be done with your website or app. The full definition of WebSite can be found at Schema.


The entertainment industry has never been such a complex mosaic as it is today, when old and new players are fighting to get the attention of the public. Google Search plays its role in this context giving to the searcher accurate information about any movie ever produced, movie showtimes and cast.  

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