Select Page

By Googolo

4 years ago

A selection Google’s rich snippets and SERP features and how you can acquire these snippets to feature your own website using schema markup.


Shopping rich snippet example

Shopping panels are rich snippets that contain information related to a product, business, or store. They include information such as reviews, addresses, hours of operation, etc. Remember, these are primarily paid listings, so you’ll want to ensure that you keep listings active and relevant. Also, make sure you answer any and all questions that come your way. 

You should have a product page with product information, pricing, availability, security deposit and review details. You can also use the required structured data markup and gain rich results, such as local products. Shopping results on mobile still needs to be optimised, but overall site SEO should be a key for all online retailers.

It’s easy to optimize your products and services into Google Merchant centre. All you have to do is to add your products and services to your Google Merchant profile and link them to your store.

Structured Data and Shopping

Using the Product schema markup will help categorize and provide information and structured data to your website. The full definition of Product can be found at Schema.

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