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Chiara Carrozza

Who is Chiara Carrozza

Hey everyone!

So, imagine this: born and raised in Rome, and after 18 years away, I’m back in the heart of the city, stepping into the role of COO at WordLift. Yep, talk about a homecoming! But let me give you a quick rundown of how I got here.

After completing my MA in Economics at La Sapienza, I dove headfirst into the consultancy world from 2004 to 2011, right here in Rome. I started from scratch, learning the ins and outs of project management while collaborating with a variety of public and private organizations.

But you know what they say – variety is the spice of life. So, in 2005, I made the leap into academia, pursuing a PhD journey and diving into research and teaching, first in Turin and later in Lisbon. My thirst for knowledge led me to explore diverse areas such as policy analysis, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and the ever-evolving dynamics of digital markets.

Fast forward to 2011, and I found myself at the helm of various R&D organizations, steering the ship towards innovation and success. One standout experience? My time as Programme Coordinator at the prestigious European University Institute in Florence, where I lived for six years. There, I managed a flurry of activities, from coordinating academic resources to forging strategic partnerships with heavyweights like the European Commission and global tech giants in e-commerce and technology.

And now, armed with a robust toolkit of skills and insights honed over the years, I‘m ready to dive headfirst into the dynamic world of WordLift. From mastering project management intricacies to navigating the ever-shifting digital landscape, I’m geared up and eager to tackle any challenges that come our way.

What does a Chief Operating Officer do?

So, let’s dive into what it means to be the Chief Operating Officer at WordLift.
As COO, my role revolves around ensuring that WordLift runs like a well-oiled machine, keeping everything in check so we can focus on what we do best – revolutionizing the world of modern and AI-powered SEO.

I take charge of planning, coordinating, and supervising the key areas of the company, including the tech team, innovation hub, and business development. This involves not only overseeing the day-to-day operations but also strategically aligning these departments with the company’s long-term goals. I work closely with each team to identify opportunities for synergy and collaboration, ensuring that our efforts are cohesive and aligned towards driving growth.

My goal is to integrate processes and procedures across the different departments to streamline operations and maximize efficiency. By implementing best practices and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, I aim to ensure that we are well-equipped to execute our growth plans effectively.

Additionally, I provide the company with the necessary infrastructures for growth. This includes developing and implementing policies and procedures to support our expanding team, optimizing our financial resources to fuel growth initiatives, and ensuring that we remain compliant with relevant regulations and standards. By proactively addressing these foundational aspects of our business, I help lay the groundwork for sustainable growth and success.

But perhaps most importantly, I’m here to support our team, and that’s what I love doing. Whether it’s providing guidance, fostering a culture of innovation, or rolling up my sleeves to lend a hand, I’m committed to empowering our talented individuals to thrive and succeed.

So there you have it – a glimpse into the world of a Chief Operating Officer at WordLift. It’s a role that’s equal parts strategy, execution, and support, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Articles & Webinars

Do you want to know more about Chiara’s story and experience? Read her interview in Meet the Management🌟