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By Emilia Gjorgjevska

1 year ago

Build a resilient taxonomy SEO by combining it with ChatGPT and Knowledge Graph to drive more online sales.

Table of contents:

  1. Where Does ChatGPT Excel?
  2. What Is A Taxonomy SEO And How Is This Related To ChatGPT?
  3. How Can I Achieve The Perfect Taxonomy By Using ChatGPT?
  4. Ok, How To Connect ChatGPT To My Specific Data?

ChatGPT changed the world by storm. We’ve already covered some aspects of it in our previous WordLift articles. Still, we feel the responsibility to step up and explain what this means for the SEO community, website owners, and webmasters in general.

Aleyda Solis, one of the most famous SEO professionals, had a brilliant Twitter thread addressing the concerns that SEO marketers can be easily replaced by these AI tools.

If you were wondering the same, you are not alone in feeling stressed, intrigued, or concerned about the latest AI developments. We performed extensive research, analysis, and discussions in the community and with our clients to prove to you that this won’t be the case for us as a profession and for you as an SEO specialist because great customer experiences are complex and require much more effort than just simple prompting.

Where Does ChatGPT Excel?

ChatGPT is great for automation – it can be your great sparring partner in coding, rewriting, content implementation, topic research, and much more. It can surely be very useful when you need a second hand to help you and all of that for free or at a relatively low cost if you are using the paid plan. While ChatGPT has a lot of advantages and it’s a very trendy topic right now, it has its own shortcomings that go beyond known disadvantages, like hallucination, misinformation, and copyright problems.

What Is A Taxonomy SEO And How Is This Related To ChatGPT?

A website taxonomy or taxonomy SEO is a concept that reveals a hierarchical structure that helps organize and categorize the content of a website. It is used to guide visitors to the information they are looking for and helps search engines better understand the content of the website. When we talk about website taxonomy, we usually think about improving a website’s navigation, usability and search engine ranking.

Now, creating taxonomy SEO it’s not a simple process. It requires content analysis, data analysis skills, and the right SEO skills to determine the main topics and subtopics for a website. You can use first-party tools to get more data, such as Google Search Console, Google Analytics or log file data to define your most popular pages, keywords and traffic sources.

Once you obtain the list of topics and categories, you can start organizing them into a hierarchical structure. The top-level categories should always be broad and general, while the rest of the information tree should get more and more specific and targeted.  For example, if you’re creating a website for a travel agency, the top-level categories might be “Destinations,” “Travel Packages,” and “Travel Tips,” while the subcategories might be “Europe,” “Asia,” “Adventure Tours,” “Beach Vacations,” and “Packing Tips.”

This requires serious SEO and data analysis skills, as the categories should be intuitive and logical, while the subcategories should be consistent and easy to navigate. This is something that ChatGPT, as a standalone tool, cannot automate for you: You need to do the analysis, use your SEO savvy, and combine these cross-functional skills to find the best solution for your website or client. The most important pages should be accessible in a few clicks, and the taxonomy should provide a clear path to relevant content.

Once you have created the taxonomy, you can implement it on the website by updating the navigation menu, creating category pages and optimizing the website content. You should also ensure that the site’s URL structure reflects the taxonomy and that page titles and meta descriptions are optimized for relevant keywords. In other words, design your site’s structure so that it’s easy for users to understand.

How Can I Achieve The Perfect Taxonomy By Using ChatGPT?

We are glad you asked. This is where knowledge graphs come in. By developing your knowledge graph and ideally merging that data with other data sources, you can intelligently identify the most valuable money-making websites for your online business, whether it’s an e-commerce store or a simpler business website. Knowledge graphs are perfect for helping you build the right URL structure that meets your users’ expectations and gives them, as well as the search engines, the right topical authority. It’s about search optimization, not just search engine optimization anymore.

If you use a knowledge graph to build your website taxonomy, you can create a smarter and more effective categorization system. You can use the knowledge graph to identify and classify entities and concepts, and then link them together in a meaningful way. This creates a more structured and organized taxonomy that makes it easier for search engines to understand your website’s content.

Ok, How To Connect ChatGPT To My Specific Data?

Plugins are tools designed specifically for language models with safety as a core principle. They help ChatGPT access up-to-date information, run computations, and eventually, use third-party services if needed. This is of vital importance: you want reliable, correct, and healthy data that you can feed into whatever system (in  this case ChatGPT) so that you can build new apps and intelligent next-gen customer experiences on top of it.

ChatGPT alone will make a lot of mistakes if it’s not connected through a plugin with external data that might be crucial for you to help users convert. Given that it is not super safe to just let sensitive data to ChatGPT, it will be better if you can create a proxy in this case, this is the plugin that works with the ChatGPT API, that will communicate with external data to provide the answers that your potential customers are looking to obtain. In simple words, we can mitigate these risks by feeding data into ChatGPT-alike LLMs and by leveraging their emerging abilities.

To clarify, the OpenAI’s ChatGPT application uses any input data to train future models which is a significant security risk, while the ChatGPT API does not, as explicitly stated by its data usage policy.

Harness the superpowers of plugins and knowledge graphs – excel where ChatGPT fails as a single standalone tool, but works in combination as a powerful combo.

Here’s one example of how you can achieve that. We have been experimenting with building chatbots on the top of an e-commerce knowledge graph and ChatGPT technology for a client of ours in the e-commerce space. What you’ve always wanted is finally here:

  • A quality backend technology that connects your data by combining multiple touchpoints (the knowledge graph).
  • A quality conversational interface that is utilizing the power of this backend to hold meaningful conversations with your potential customers, leading them from onboarding to the buying phase. See the screenshots below.
A quality backend data
A quality conversational AI – chatbot

Learn how to build a chatbot using your Knowledge Graph.

WordLift acts and will continue to act responsibly in helping organizations like yours formalize knowledge by defining rules like ontologies and knowledge graphs to help you outperform your competitors in the online space.

In summary, is it better if you have a taxonomy? Absolutely yes! But that alone will not make much difference unless it’s combined with your knowledge graph. You need to invest time in building both, because this is the most robust and future-proof strategy you can develop for your online business or e-commerce store. Combine this with the power of big language models like ChatGPT and voila, you have the magic wand to do whatever you want: Create conversational agents based on your personalized data, build recommendation systems to recommend products, or support your sales team with an automated solution that can act like customer support. The possibilities are huge!

Are you ready to start with us today? Let’s talk 😎

Other Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Taxonomy In SEO? 

In SEO, taxonomy refers to the way information is organized and categorized on a website to make it easily understandable to both search engines and users.

Taxonomy is often used to create a hierarchical structure of categories and subcategories that are used to organize content on a website. As a content creator,  the purpose of your creating a taxonomy SEO is to make your content navigable, logical, and intuitive. By creating a logical and organized taxonomy, your website can improve its user experience and gain potential search engine rankings.

Does Taxonomy Help With SEO?

A website can improve its visibility in search results and make it easier for users to find the content they are looking for by using clear and descriptive categories and subcategories. Additionally, a well-designed taxonomy can help with internal linking and site navigation, which are both important factors for both SEO and user experience.

What Is A Knowledge Graph In SEO?

In SEO, a knowledge graph is a method of organizing and linking information to help search engines better understand the connections between different entities and concepts.

For instance, if a user searches for “Leonardo da Vinci,” a knowledge graph may display a box containing a brief bio, pictures, and other pertinent details about the artist. This information is sourced from a range of reliable sources, including structured data markup on websites.

By providing a knowledge graph, search engines can offer valuable insights into the most relevant information for users, which can inform content creation and optimization strategies.

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