The acronym PASO stands for Personal Assistant Search Optimization, and it is referred to the use of SEO techniques with the aim of positioning content as the source of the answers given by Personal Assistants (PAs) such as Siri and Google Assistant to their users. The term was first introduced by John E. Lincoln in an editorial appeared on Search Engine Land and titled «Why the future is all about PASO — personal assistant search optimization».
Why are personal assistants (PAs) going to shape future of SEO?
- Personal Assistants typically return only one result instead of the thousands of links we are used to in regular search. This means two things: competition is going to be really hard, because it’s first or nothing; and the winners will take all the clicks (and traffic).
- Personal Assistants are used on smartphones and at home. They are portable, hands-free and incomparably convenient, especially when your busy doing something else and you need a quick information to take action. Their use is going to grow very fast in the years to come: in fact, voice search is predicted to overcome regular search within 2020.
- Personal Assistants are powered by Artificial Intelligence and they can give tailored results to their users, learning from factors such as localization and previous searches.
So, yes, PASO is definitely going to be something you should think about from now on.
Show me how it works
Here is a very immediate example on how this exact web page that you’re reading has been indexed by Google and it is now providing the answer to the question
“What is Personal Assistant Search Optimization?“
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Here at WordLift, we have studied, written and experimented a lot about this subject. If you need more tips, don’t miss our webinar on machine-friendly content with Scott Abel. It’s free and you can watch it anytime. Just grab a pen and a scratch pad. ?
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