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By Andrea Volpini

2 years ago

GPT-3 is an autoregressive language model that is able to write content that passed the Turing Test. We have been using GPT-3 for almost a year and are happy to share a simple web app for SEO-related automations that anyone can use.

GPT-3 is an autoregressive language model that is able to write content that passed the Turing Test. We have been using GPT-3 for almost a year and are lucky to collaborate with Open AI on SEO-related automations. While working with GPT-3 we felt the need to quickly prototype with OpenAI’s models a set of SEO-related prompts. As now anyone can grab a key, we are very pleased to share a simple web app 🎈 (built with Streamlit) that will let you test the following use-cases:

Access to the model has been recently opened to anyone via an easy-to-use API and now any SEO can find new creative ways to apply AI to a large number of useful content marketing tasks. Remember to grab your key from OpenAI.

Credits and relevant links

The original code is based on Pratos’s experimentation tool and is running on the Streamlit Cloud.

Always remember to consult OpenAI’s use-case guidelines as well as the safety best practices.

Do you have an e-commerce store? Discover how to use GPT-3 for product description in our last web story.

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