Scott Abel

Scott Abel - The Content Wrangler

Scott Abel is an American authorcontent strategist and a cognitive computing evangelist, specialized in helping organizations reach their audience with relevant content.

He is CEO and co-founder of The Content Wrangler, a global digital media company focused on content marketing for large organizations.

They publish rich educational content and offer consultancy to enterprises. One of his best-known initiatives is a popular channel on BrightTALK where he hosts several webinars a month, sharing the screen with other influencing marketers.

Scott is also the co-author of two books: Intelligent Content: A Primer and The Language of Content Strategy (XML Press).

Machine-Friendly Content: Scott Abel + Andrea Volpini

On September 14th 2017, Scott Abel hosted a free webinar on machine-friendly content with Andrea Volpini as a guest. It’s free and you can still watch it anytime. Just grab a pen and a scratch pad. ?