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Donald Norman


Donald Arthur Norman (or Don Norman) is the director of <strong>The Design Lab</stron at University of California; he is known for his books on design,textannotation”> especially The Design of Everyday Things.

He is an expert in the fields of design, engineering of usability and cognitive science. Norman is also co-founder and consultant with the Nielsen Norman Group.

Norman’s books mainly revolve around design, all things design: from doors to computers mantaining the focus on user-centered design.

Donald part of many advisory boards in the educational, private, and public sectors; he has been co-director> of the dual-degree MBA and Engineering program at Northwestern University and consultant with the Nelsen Norman Group.<!–span>”textannotation”>>

Norman is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology (KAIST), he holds the title of Professor Emeritus of Cognitive Science at the University of Californiarong>.

In 1993 Norman joined Apple Computer, first as an Apple Fellow where he was a User Experience Architect, holding the phrase “User Experience” in a job title for the first time; later he was the Vice President of the Advanced Technology Group. He also worked for Hewlet-11634fef999b” class=”textannotation”>-1724603e-4038-2009-d666-9fc00a836788″ class=”textannotation”>t-Packard.</p>

Donald received an honorary degree from the University of Padua, Italy; in 2001 he was listed as Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery and in 2006 he received the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science.